
Thousands apply to be hobbits....and get rejected

Stuff NZ reports thousands of wannabe hobbits turned away

The bulky, the skinny, the short, the tall, and those with ''character faces'' - your time has come.

A casting call has gone out for The Hobbit and virtually anyone in Wellington qualifies, as long they've got unique qualities.

Men under 163cm and women under 155cm, big men with ''character faces'' and any women with the same, men with large biceps, and slim and athletic men and women between 165cm and 203cm are being asked to audition.

Talent scouts looking for an assortment of characters to play extras in The Hobbit were overwhelmed and had to send away many people who had queued for hours yesterday.

Bill O'Byrne, who fancied his chances of being picked as "a fat ugly bastard" estimated there were about 3000 waiting outside Lower Hutt's Belmont Hall by 1pm when the casting call was scheduled to start. 

He said the crowd were good natured, orderly and arranged themselves in long winding queues, but it was all called off after the processing folks were swamped and couldn't keep up.

"I guess about half of the people waiting from 1pm till 3pm didn't get processed and the Hobbit person who was there was saying to apply via Trademe." 

However, O'Byrne felt this was probably a way of placating the crowd as they probably got everyone they wanted in the first hour. 

The film company wanted a mix of talent - short men and women, big men with character faces or large biceps, women with character faces and long hair or slim athletic people who could play the part of elves. 

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